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Dang Good Booths

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Updated: June 1st, 2022 | Vancouver | Photobooth |

Dang Good Booths is a Vancouver-based company that specializes in high-quality photo booth rentals for weddings and all kinds of events. You and your guests will relish in the unique experiences you will share, not to mention the fun you will all have snapping these amazing souvenirs your guests will get to take home with them!
When is the best time for my photo booth?
From our experience, we generally recommend the booth be open after the formalities and dinner ends so that guests can jump up and have fun with it.
After Dinner Entertainment: 3 hours7 PM photo booth arrives on-site and sets up during dinner/speeches8 PM-11 PM Photo booth opens for entertainment (games and dancing)
Full Reception Package: 4-hours + 1-hour dinner break + social sharing station5 PM photo booth arrives for set-up6-7 PM photo booth opens as guests arrive7-8 PM photo booth closed for 1 hr dinner break8-11 PM photo booth open during games/dancing
Or upgrade your Print Booth to a Glamour Booth where each photo has a beauty and skin-softening filter – made popular by celebrities like the Kardashians and Justin Bieber.
Service: Set up, clean up, delivery

Address: 7215 Sherbrooke Street, Vancouver, BC V5X4E3

Phone: 778-929-3264

Website: http://www.koberestaurant.com/

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